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Science’s Looming ‘Tipping Point’

It is essential in these exuberant times to pay critical attention to both the observational constraints and to the basic mathematical laws, with a clear sense of what is solid theory and what is only unsupported speculation. This seeming platitude is offered here without jest, because at the present time there are ‘theories’ – scenarios…

Synopsis 9 – Electrical Weather

Venus lightning

9. Electrical Weather Most people are unaware that we have no understanding of how lightning is created in clouds. The simplest answer is that lightning is not generated there at all. Clouds merely form a convenient path to Earth for electricity originating in space. Without clouds it is possible to have a “bolt from the…

Synopsis 8 – Electrical Cratering


8. Electrical Cratering Electric discharges between closely approaching bodies takes the form of “thunderbolts of the gods”, or distinctively shaped helical plasmoids. Such plasmoids were sculpted by many ancient cultures when depicting Jupiter hurling his thunderbolt. Jupiter’s thunderbolt raises questions about the history of mankind and the Earth that have never before been asked. When…

Synopsis 3 – A Little History

Immanuel Velikovsky

3. A Little History “To be sure, nature distributes her gifts unevenly among her children. But there are plenty of the well-endowed, thank God, and I am firmly convinced that most of them live quiet, unobtrusive lives.” – ALBERT EINSTEIN The pieces of the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® “Big Picture” are supplied by some remarkable individuals, most…


Plasma ball

2. The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® model is a coherent “Big Picture” of our situation in the universe, spanning many disciplines. It highlights repeated electrical patterns at all scales that enable laboratory experiments to explain the strange, energetic events seen, for example, in deep space, on the Sun, and on Jupiter’s moon, Io. The…

Deep Impact 2

Comet Tempel 1 Composite Map.
Comet Tempel 1 Composite Map.

What can be said about the Deep Impact spacecraft’s imminent second rendezvous with a comet? From NASA websites comes the following information: The Deep Impact spacecraft is about to rendezvous with another comet. It will be the fifth comet to be observed in a close flyby by a spacecraft. The mission is called by the…

The Mystery of the Shrinking Red Star

An image of Betelgeuse’s atmosphere observed at a wavelength of 7mm.
An image of Betelgeuse’s atmosphere observed at a wavelength of 7mm.

We cannot see what is not on our mental ‘map.’ Almost the entire visible universe is in the form of highly-conductive plasma but electrical discharge in plasma is nowhere on the map. The red supergiant star Betelgeuse, the bright reddish star in the constellation Orion, has steadily shrunk over the past 15 years, according to…

Astronomy has little to celebrate in 2009!

Excerpt from the letter from the telescope allocation committee barring Arp from access to telescopes.
Excerpt from the letter from the telescope allocation committee barring Arp from access to telescopes.

For those who haven’t noticed, this year is “The International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009).” The International Year of Astronomy will involve 135 nations and thousands of events around the world. It marks the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei. However, astronomers have little to celebrate…

NASA’s Dim View of Stars

This artist's concept shows the dimmest star-like bodies currently known
This artist's concept shows the dimmest star-like bodies currently known

“..astronomers can tell the temperature of the central regions of the Sun and of many other stars within a few percentage points and be quite sure about the figures they quote.” —A Star Called the Sun, George Gamow. The cone nebula shows a star at the top of a conical-shaped dusty plasma, festooned with lights.…

Assembling the Solar System

Cosmic Tornado HH49/50
Cosmic Tornado HH49/50

“The Genesis team can take great satisfaction not just in having salvaged their mission, but in underscoring once again how little we know about how our strange and wonderful home planet came to exist.” — Kelly Beatty, Sky & Telescope From the NASA website comes the following report: “Kevin McKeegan’s announcement at the 2008 Lunar…