Wal Thornhill: JWST – Twisted Pairs & Braids Everywhere | Thunderbolts

  Wal Thornhill, Thunderbolts Chief Science Advisor, presented a three-episode JWST PREDICTION Series prior to its launch, detailing the telescope’s significance to the Electric Universe Model of Cosmology—and made several predictions of what the JWST would reveal. In September 2021, Wal stated, “I predict that the JWST with its vast improvement in sensitivity and resolution,…

Toward a Real Cosmology in the 21st Century

Abstract: A real cosmology must be a broad and coherent natural philosophy. It may always be incomplete, based on our limitations, but to be valid there can be no exceptions in our experience. In particular, cosmology must address issues of life and the human condition. Therefore it must be a truly interdisciplinary pursuit. Modern specialized…

Wal Thornhill: An Electrical Path to Grand Unification

THE DEMYSTIFYSCI PODCAST Wal Thornhill: An Electrical Path to Grand Unification Dr. Michael Shilo DeLay and Dr. Anastasia Bendebury have a lively in-depth interview with Wal Thornhill, Chief Science Advisor of The Thunderbolts Project. Physicists have been seeking a grand unifying theory for as long as they’ve known that the very large and the very…

Wal Thornhill: JWST & L-Type Brown Dwarf Stars | Thunderbolts

What will the JWST tell us about the origins of life, newborn planets, and subsequent formation of planetary systems? The L-Type Brown Dwarf is a class of faint star bridging the gap between stars and Jupiter-sized planets, and the most numerous stellar object in the galaxy. Life may be possible inside the glow of a…