Electric Dust Devils

Mars dust-devils
Mars dust-devils

‘.. it may sometimes be that not to know one thing that is wrong could be more important than knowing a hundred things that are right.’ – Halton Arp, Quasars, Redshifts & Controversies The electrical character of dust devils and tornadoes is rarely mentioned. In fact, researchers only recently began to examine the electrical nature…

An Open Letter to Closed Minds

Venus and Athena
Venus and Athena

Everything astronomers can see, stretching out to distances of 10 billion light-years, emerged from an infinitesimal speck. – Martin Rees, Our Cosmic Habitat (2001). “A widely-accepted foundation stone of scientific logic involves a process of elimination, requiring all available possibilities to be considered with incorrect ideas discarded when they fail to predict experimental results. Just…

Mystery of Mars’ Polar Spirals

Mars' north pole
Mars' north pole

‘Before each revolution, all the pegs seemed square and all the holes round. In each case, it was not until it was realized that one had to discard the whole frame of reference and seek another that answers came in a flood. ..It is not our methods nor our observations that have been wrong, but…

Black holes tear logic apart

Black hole and accretion disk
Black hole and accretion disk

“It seems that every practitioner of physics has had to wonder at some point why mathematics and physics have come to be so closely entwined. Opinions vary on the answer. ..Bertrand Russell acknowledged..”Physics is mathematical not because we know so much about the physical world, but because we know so little.” ..Mathematics may be indispensable…

Opportunity Favors the Heretic

Hematite distribution in Sinus Meridiani
Hematite distribution in Sinus Meridiani

“.. modern science seems to have exploded into a multitude of highly specialised areas and distinct disciplines that may at times be interconnected, but that by and large ignore one another. There appears to be an overwhelming trend toward a proliferation of distinct and autonomous “subdivisions”. Researchers in different fields often experience great difficulties understanding…

Spirit Chases a Martian Mirage

Spirit vista
Spirit vista

While this report was being written came worrying news that the Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit, is not functioning normally. On January 21, 2004 ground controllers were able to send commands to Spirit and received a simple signal acknowledging that the rover heard them, but they did not receive expected scientific and engineering data during scheduled…

Comet Wild 2

Comet Wild 2 jets
Comet Wild 2 jets

‘The remarkable properties of comets are not even remotely explicable by any of the numerous ad hoc assumptions of ‘modern’ comet theory.’ – Prof. R A Lyttleton, Journey to the Centre of Uncertainty, Speculations in Science & Technology, Vol. 8, No. 5 p. 344. NASA published the following News Release (2004-001) on January 2, 2004:…

Ockham’s Beard

Saturn from Cassini
Saturn from Cassini

Mel Acheson’s thought provoking and entertaining “epistemological commercials” have enlivened the free Thoth email newsletter and many of our public meetings. I feel it is appropriate that I include, with permission, his most recent “commercial” at the beginning of this momentous year. Why do I consider 2004 to be momentous? First, the Cassini mission arrives…

The Shiny Mountains of Venus

Strange Venus
Strange Venus

The astronomer Victor A. Firsoff in his book, The Solar Planets (1977), wrote: “I once described Earth and Venus as ‘non-identical twins.’ It used to be thought that their differences were more apparent than real. But in the words of Sherlock Holmes, ‘Eliminate the impossible and what is left, however improbable, is the truth.’ And…

THE SUN — Our Variable Star

The changing Sun
The changing Sun

This article updated on 25 Nov 2003 “Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the growth in our understanding of the universe is that we understand anything at all.” – Martin Harwit, from a talk given at the American Physical Society’s meeting in Philadelphia in April 2003. Harwit is an emeritus professor of astronomy at Cornell…