Stardust Comet Fragments Solar System Theory

Comet particle collected by the Stardust spacecraft.
Comet particle collected by the Stardust spacecraft.

“History has a way of showing that what was once acceptable is complete nonsense.” – Bono From the NASA Stardust mission website we read: “The primary goal of Stardust was to collect dust and carbon-based samples during its closest encounter with Comet Wild 2. The successful Stardust mission also brought back samples of interstellar dust,…

First Evidence of Comet Ice – What Does it Mean?

Comparison of Deep Impact expectations to what was observed
Comparison of Deep Impact expectations to what was observed

“There is more riding on this mission than may be apparent from regular news sources. At issue is the assumption of an electrically neutral universe, upon which every conventional astronomical theory rests. The story of the formation of the solar system from a cloud of gas and dust – and comets as the leftovers –…

A Real ‘Theory of Everything’


The editorial of New Scientist of 10 December 2005 is headlined:  “Ideas needed: The hunt for a theory of everything is going nowhere fast.” It underlines the parlous state of theoretical physics in its inability to reconcile relativity and quantum theory and so find what is grandly called a “theory of everything.” It has been…