EROS not so Mysterious

Etchings on Eros and Mars
Etchings on Eros and Mars

The following message is from Reuters: On February 12, the world’s first spacecraft will land on an asteroid – Eros, named after the Greek god of love – and stream a series of photographs in nearly real time. That equates to two images a minute, which will be streamed to the Web site At…


Io closeup
Io closeup

Jupiter’s Moon Io: a Flashback to Earth’s Volcanic Past Excerpts From A NASA/JPL Press Release November 19, 1999 Jupiter’s fiery moon Io is providing scientists with a window on volcanic activity and colossal lava flows similar to those that raged on Earth eons ago, thanks to new pictures and data gathered by NASA’s Galileo spacecraft.…


Aristarchus crater region
Aristarchus crater region

The region around the crater Aristarchus (at lower right) has been a focus for observers searching for transient lunar phenomena. This false-color mosaic was assembled from blue, red, and near-infrared images taken by the Clementine spacecraft and represents brightness ratios between the wavelengths. Images taken several weeks apart reveal a surface change in the cobra-head…